Weave (p. 57 )
1. Produced in Kanishimachi Kashimagun, Hakui City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
2. Characteristics:Fabrics hand woven with thin hemp threads, giving fresh touch. 4 types of printing are used for producing splash patterns: those with combs, round stencils, patterned wood and paper stencils. The word "Jofu" generally means high quality hemp fabrics.
3. Uses: High class fabrics for summer clothes.
4. History: It is said that this type of hemp fabrics have 2,000 year history and used to be donated to the Imperial Court. Hemp and " Kuwa "(mulberry tree, Morus) were planted since old days and hemp fabrics were delivered to the government as tax in the late Heian Period (794-1185). The traditional hemp fabrics became popular after 1814 when Yaemon Kawai invited weavers from Omi (Shiga Prefecture) to teach higher tecniques to local weavers. After that, good quality crepe was produced and marketed through the traders in Omi. The fabric then was called " Noto Chijimi" or "Tokumaru chijimi," The demand for the fabric strated decreasing from 1955. There are "Hira (plain)Jofu" and "Chijimi Jofu" and various kinds of " Kasuri" fabrics ( splash patterns )being produced. The technique in Kasuri weaving and the color of the fabrics differ according to whether it will be used by a male or a female.