Dye (p. 58 )
1. Produced in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
2. Characteristics: Soft and lustrous silk fabrics mostly used as plain fabrics for dyeing. This is a variation of "Shusu Ori"(satin weave) and varieties of designs are made with different types of combination of threads.
3. Uses: Clothing,"Haori"coats, sashes.
4. History: The district was famous for silk fabrics since days of old. A document says that "Kaga Ginu"(Kaga silk) was donated to the Imperial Court in the era of Emperor Shomu (724-749). They were also donated to the Shogun in the Muromachi Period . In the Edo Period, silk fabrics were produced in quantity under the protection of the feudal lord, Toshitsune Maeda, who instituted an office to inspect and develop the quality of the products. In the Meiji Period (1868-1912) , western weaving machines were imported and prompted production of various kinds of patterned fabrics. メ Rinzuモ ( figured satin) was first woven here in the Taisho Period (1912-26) and, since then, occupied considerable share of Rinzu production in Japan.