Dye (p. 89 )
1. Produced in Nanokamachi Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture.
2. Characteristics: Fine pattern dyeing with pine soot
3. Uses: Clothing.
4. History: In the Meireki Era (1655-58) a well known master swordsman in Kyoto, Kenpo Yoshioka, used to dye cloth in blackish brown , it was called "Kenpo Zome" or "Yoshioka Zome." Although it is unknown when this dyeing came to Takayama, it is sure that this dyeing with black fine patterns was identical to "Yoshioka Zome."
Dyeing Method
1. Paper stencils are put on a cloth and resistant blud(blend of sticky rice, rice bran and slaked lime) is applied on the stencils with a spatula and dried.
2. The cloth is stretched on tenterhook and the juice of ground soybeans ("Gojiru") is applied on it. Then the dye, kneaded blend of pine soot and soybean juice, is applied on the cloth with a brush.
3. After drying, the cloth is washed in water.