Weave (p. 121 )
1. Produced in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture.
2. Characteristics: Cotton "Kasuri" fabric, plain woven with pre-dyed threads in indigo. one of the three cotton Kasuris (Kurume, Bingo and Iyo), more popular than Kurume Gasuri.
3. Uses: Clothes, beddings, "Noren" (shop curtains), pouches, table cloths, aprons,etc.
4. History: It was created by a woman, Kana Kagiya. It was then called "Imazu Gasuri" in the Kyowa Era (1801-04). Popularized by the name "Iyo Gsuri" in the 10ユs to the 30ユs of the Meiji Era (1877-1907), half of the total production of Kasuri in Japan in the Taisho Period (1912-26) was Iyo Gasuri. In 1933, plans to increase production by the introduction of weaving machines was unfavorably affected by the control ordinance of cotton during WWII and a total stoppage by an American air raid in 1945. When revived in 1949, Iyo Gasuri gained popularity because of its low prices but production declined drastically in the thirties of Showa(1955-64).